Copyright Policy

Written Material

All written content on this website was created by and belongs exclusively to Calidris Birding Tours.


All images are the property of Calidris Birding Tours except where indicated, some of which are reproduced under the ShareAlike Creative Commons license. All map images are the property of Google and used within their copyright guidelines. Other images are the intellectual property of the photographers/websites indicated and are used with their permission.

Under certain circumstances we may allow images that are the property of Calidris Birding Tours to be used on non-profit material or websites  with the correct attribution. Please contact us if you wish to use any of our images in this way –

Copyright Policy

It is permitted to download information on this website to your own personal computer/mobile device for the purposes of viewing. You may also print out pages of this website for you own personal use but not for distribution. You may not copy, reproduce (including plagiarism), publish, license, distribute or sell or modify any information obtained from this website, except for the specific cases of images or their derivatives sourced under the ShareAlike Creative Commons License. All intellectual property rights are reserved.

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It is permitted (indeed encouraged) to share pages of this website on social media by providing the url link. It is not permitted, however, to capture images or extracts of text and share them without accrediting them correctly to and providing a link back to the source page.

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Facebook – Calidris Birding Tours

Subscribe to Nick Upton’s YouTube Channel – Birding with Nick Upton